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How being more like "Kylie" can influence your interview

Glastonbury 2019 brought some big headliners to the stage this year including the likes of Stormzy, The Cure and Kylie Minogue. But what separates these chart topping individuals from each other? Their stage presence and performance.

My visit to this years Glastonbury reminded me of how pops stars are not that much different to top tier candidates, all look good on paper whether it be a glossy album cover or a well polished CV but the content of how artists and candidates perform are not that much different.

Here are some examples of how Kylie Minogue’s headline performance at Glastonbury can help you in an interview…

1. Arrive on time. It was “The Legends” slot on Sunday afternoon a cool 33’C in the air, The Pyramid stage was filling up with 80000+ people and as soon as the clock struck 15:45 Kylie Minogue stepped onto the stage... and not a minute later. Had she been late do you think she would have had the same buy in from the crowd? Probably not. Set your watch early, plan your journey ahead of time and make sure you’re there a good 15 minutes before your interview.

2. Appearance. Kylie rocked an incredible five eye catching outfits during her performance but during an interview you can only rely on one so be sure to pick the right one for you. Ask yourself - Is it clean? Is it ironed? Is it appropriate for the job I’m interviewing for. Plan ahead!                                                           

3. Smile and build rapport. “What a privilege to be here... what an incredible sight” were some of the first words that came from Kylie as she took to the stage. Her humility and warmth towards the crowd had the festival goers admiration in seconds. Remember in the interview room to smile, relax and build rapport with your interviewers as soon as you meet them - this will set the tone for the rest of your interview.

4. Play to your strengths. Kylie sang every song from “I should be so lucky”, “The Loco-Motion” and “Spinning Around.” She had the crowd singing along to every song because she gave them the performance they wanted - her timeless classics, she didn’t use the time trying to plug a new album that no one was interested in. In an interview know the job spec inside out and keep all of your answers relatable to what you can do and what you can bring to the table. Interviewers will want to know what you can do for them not what your next year holiday plans are.

5. Rehearse! Kylie didn’t just roll out of bed and perform her 75 minute all singing all dancing set without some practice so neither should you. Set some time aside for practicing some interview questions so that when the time comes for you to shine you will have some show stopping examples ready to rumble.


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